June 1999
22 June, 1999 I noticed that Senator Palpatine's first line in The Phantom Menace are along the lines of "I have personal confirmation from the Chancellor himself that the ambassadors have arrived." How does Palpatine have confirmation from the Chancellor when the Chancellor doesn't even have confirmation. Of course I am assuming that the Chancellor did not have confirmation, but even if he did then I don't think that there would have been time or reason for him to contact Palpatine about it. This leads us to two conclusions. Either Palpatine is Darth Sidious since Sidious knows that the Jedi have arrived, and Palpatine's message comes very very shortly after Sidious finds this out. Or the other conclusion is that Palpy and Sids are two different people and are really working very in cahoots with one another. I know this thought really doesn't help shed any light on anything, but it brings up some interesting points nonetheless. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting Star Wars thought.

23 June, 1999Do you all remember back in late 96 early 97 when finding all of the new Star Wars toys was still fun. I remember getting all excited when a new mail away would come out. I'd eat my potato chips or resubscribe to the Insider, or do whatever it took to get them. Sometime towards the end of 97 and all through 98 it became tedious to even keep track of everything, plus it kept getting more and more difficult to even get the mail aways. Remember all the crap you had to do to get Mace Windu? Not only that but Hasbro made it sound like such an American exclusive figure. They had Canadians thinking they would either have to pay black market prices or have a hookup in America. It also became very tiresome last year to find the store bought figures. There are waves that were supposed to come out in April 98 that I still havn't seen in Comic Stores yet alone Wal-Mart. Oh well. At least Hasbro is sort of making up for everything with the Episode I line, I've been able to find most of them quite easily. The Episode I line has also started to restore my vitality for the hunt as well. Happy Collecting. Tune in tomorrow for my thoughts on Obi-Wan, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Luke's encounter in The Jundland Wastes.

24 June, 1999I would like to take today's time to point out that Obi-Wan Kenobi conspicuously never met C-3PO in Episode I. Now I know that there is still 30 years or so to go that they could have met in, but even so C-3PO changed quite a bit between TPM and ANH[wouldn't you say?] Artoo Deetoo and Obi-Wan on the other hand did meet in The Phantom Menace. Going on this note and the fact that Artoo seemed rather connected in fate to Anakin, I will venture that Obi-Wan knew Artoo somewhat if not rather well. Flash Forward A New Hope Obi-Wan has just scared off the Sand People. R2-D2 peers out of his corner that he's been hiding in then sort of warmly and glad to see an old frienishly comes out. Obi-Wan says "Hello there little one". That right there to me is a very important moment in all of Star Wars. Obi-Wan may have no clue as to See-Threepio and Threepio might not have a clue period, but Artoo and Obi-Wan both know the history of the prequels and what's going on. This moment is so important to me because as soon as Obi-Wan sees Artoo he knows the moment he's been guarding Luke for and waiting for has arrived. Artoo is Obi-Wan's signal that Judgement day has finaly arrived for the Miscreant Anakin Skywalker. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting thought.

25 June, 1999 I got Behind The Magic on Tuesday and oh my is it awesome. Behind The Magic is beyond awesome as a matter of fact. I've been up until the wee hours of the night every night since I got it. It is by far the most comprehnsive and creative Star Wars information repository ever. If you don't have it yet then go out and get it now!! Unless your computer will not run it, which my case until I got a new ass-whooper PC last month.

26 June, 1999 What character is very conspicuously missing from any of the assortments that Hasbro has planned for this year? Answer Shmi Skywalker. I know that she might not be that popular or that cool of a figure, but it is a very important figure. I mean good god this is Darth Vader's mother. Freud would be giddy with this character. I just said that it probably wouldn't be that popular of a figure, but do you know what? Kids pick up on and get into stuff like "hey that's Darth Vader's mother". or at least I did when I was young. I still liked to have my big gun toting ass-whoopers too, but I always really got into the story characters as well. Case in point, one of my favorite He-Man figures as a kid was the Sorceress.

27 June, 1999 I think that Darth Vader could have found Obi-Wan if he had "really" wanted to. Come on people, he managed to hunt down and kill hundreds if not thousands of strange Jedi, but he couldn't find one Jedi who he was very close to. Yet alone one of the most powerful Jedi ever who was hiding on Vaders home planet no less. So Vader is probably just going laisez-faire with Obi-Wan. He figures to just let the old man mind his own buisness and eventually fade away. But if Obi-Wan ever came back from hiding then Vader figured he would take care of buisness and finish off his old mentor.

28 June, 1999 Ok heres how I break down the ranking in the Jedi Council. Mace Windu is in charge or the President so to say. Yoda is next in line or the VP, and Ki-Adi Mundi is the 3rd in charge or Secretary of State. Now I'm not saying that Yoda isn't the Senior or most powerful Jedi, but I do not feel that he is in charge of the Council. I just sort of get these leader vibes from Mace Windu. Plus if Yoda were indeed in charge then he could have put his foot down about not training Anakin. Right? I don't know.

29 June, 1999 I heard that in Episode II that Anakin will return to Tatooine, and in one scene he will say "I sure wish I had some friends to talk to and get me through this" then ILM will insert the lost Biggs scenes from A New Hope but replace Luke with Anakin and digitally change the dialogue. Just kidding, but you can add that to the crazy rumor bin.

30 June, 1999 What is up with that Lightsaber twirling thing that Obi-Wan did in The Phantom Menace. That was so bombad. I've already broken my Hasbro Luke Saber trying to master it. There was also this one really wicked move that Qui-Gon did in which he sliced a Battle Droid in half then disengaged his saber and thrust it back on his belt all in move. AWESOME!!